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Java Tutorial

This Java tutorial teaches the core features of the Java language. As the Java language evolves, this tutorial is updated.

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Getting Started With Java Development in 2023 — An Opinionated Guide

27 years of age, and alive and kicking — The Java platform regularly comes out amongst the top contenders in rankings like the TIOBE index.In my opinion, rightly so. The language is very actively maintained and constantly improved;its underlying runtime, the Java Virtual Machine (JVM),is one of, if not the most, advanced runtime environments for managed programming languages.There is a massive eco-system of Java libraries which make it a great tool for a large number of use cases,ranging from command-line and desktop applications, over web apps and backend web services, to datastores and stream processing platforms.With upcoming features like support for vectorized computations (SIMD),light-weight virtual threads,improved integration with native code,value objects and user-defined primitives, and others,Java is becoming an excellent tool for solving a larger number of software development tasks than ever before.

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Welcome! You are invited to join a webinar: Part 2 – Traditional Enterprise Development. After registering, you will receive a confirmation email about joining the webinar.

Jakarta EE 10 is the first feature release of the platform since its move to Eclipse Foundation. This release comes with a number of features and enhancements that make Enterprise Java development on the platform even more productive. In this second installment of the Payara webinar series on Jakarta EE 10, we take a look at new features and enhancements for traditional enterprise applciations. Topics include: – @ManagedExecutorDefinition – Native support for UUID as entity keys in Jakarta Persistence – Multipart/form-data support in Jakarta REST- Enhanced scopes with @ClientWindowScoped in Faces- Typesafe Java API for creating Faces viewsThis rapid fire, no slides webinar will bring you up to speed with Jakarta EE 10. By the end of this installment of the webinar series, you will be have a grasp of what Jakarta EE has to offer in its latest iteration for traditional application development. Don’t miss out on this exciting series!