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Jakarta EE 10 is the first feature release of the platform since its move to Eclipse Foundation. This release comes with a number of features and enhancements that make Enterprise Java development on the platform even more productive. In this second installment of the Payara webinar series on Jakarta EE 10, we take a look at new features and enhancements for traditional enterprise applciations. Topics include: – @ManagedExecutorDefinition – Native support for UUID as entity keys in Jakarta Persistence – Multipart/form-data support in Jakarta REST- Enhanced scopes with @ClientWindowScoped in Faces- Typesafe Java API for creating Faces viewsThis rapid fire, no slides webinar will bring you up to speed with Jakarta EE 10. By the end of this installment of the webinar series, you will be have a grasp of what Jakarta EE has to offer in its latest iteration for traditional application development. Don’t miss out on this exciting series!